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Slide-On BMA Plug Bulkhead to BNC Female Cable Using LMR-100 Coax

Product ID: PE3W14486


* Lengths are rounded to the nearest quarter inch or centimeter. For precise lengths, please call 866-727-8376.
* Lengths are rounded to the nearest quarter inch or centimeter. For precise lengths, please call 866-727-8376.
* All cable assembly length tolerance are as provided on the datasheet. If not provided, cable length tolerances are within the IPC standards (2022-24) as shown here.

Key Specifications

Key Specifications (Click on Data Sheet Above for Additional Details).
Connector Series 1BMA
Connector Gender 1Plug
Connector Polarity 1Standard
Connector Angle 1Straight
Connector Mount Method 1Bulkhead
Connector Impedance 150 Ohm
Connector Series 2BNC
Connector Gender 2Female
Connector Polarity 2Standard
Connector Angle 2Straight
Connector Mount Method 2None
Connector Impedance 250 Ohm
RF Cable Part NumberLMR-100A-PVC
RF Cable TypeLMR-100A
RF Cable Impedance50 Ohm


Click on the below images to access KitBOM product pages:

PE45316LMR-100A-PVCPE4079KitBOM Datasheet

Slide-On BMA Plug Bulkhead to BNC Female Cable Using LMR-100 Coax

PE3W14486 is a BMA plug bulkhead to BNC female cable using LMR-100A coax. This Pasternack BMA plug bulkhead to BNC female cable assembly uses a 50 Ohm BMA for connector 1 and a 50 Ohm BNC for connector 2.

Our plug BMA bulkhead to female BNC cable assembly uses a flexible cable type that is 50 Ohm. Pasternack PE3W14486 BMA plug bulkhead to BNC female cable assembly is constructed with LMR-100A coax.

* LMR™ is a trademark of Times Microwave Systems.