To our valued customers please note that our offices and warehouses will be closed on the following date, December 25th, 2024 for the Christmas Holiday.

3 dB Fixed Attenuator, SMA Male to 7/16 DIN Female Black Anodized Aluminum Heatsink Body Rated to 25 Watts Up to 7.5 GHz

Product ID: PE7355-3
Product discontinued.
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Key Specifications

Key Specifications (Click on Data Sheet Above for Additional Details).
Maximum Frequency7.5 GHz
Impedance50 Ohm
Power Maximum25 Watt
VSWR Maximum1.45:1
Attenuation3 dB
Connector Series 1SMA
Connector Gender 1Male
Connector Series 27/16 DIN
Connector Gender 2Female
Body MaterialBlack Anodized Aluminum Heatsink


3 dB Fixed Attenuator, SMA Male to 7/16 DIN Female Black Anodized Aluminum Heatsink Body Rated to 25 Watts Up to 7.5 GHz

PE7355-3 is a fixed 3 dB attenuator from Pasternack. This 3dB attenuator is an in-line, resistive PI attenuator pad design. Our coaxial 50 Ohm attenuator is manufactured to precise RF / microwave industry specifications.

This SMA attenuator has a male gender on side 1 and a 7/16 DIN female connector on side 2. The Pasternack PE7355-3 3 dB attenuator is rated for up to 7.5 GHz. Our microwave attenuator is rated to 25 Watts at the stated attenuation value.

Our fixed RF attenuator PE7355-3 is shipped same-day as purchased from Pasternack's production facility certified to ISO 9001:2015. This 3dB attenuator is part of over 40,000 RF, microwave and millimeter wave products that ship the same day worldwide, including custom cable assemblies.